Hello, you got to this page because you were probably looking for where to watch free television, then you are in the right place. Our team created a TV player, which collected many TV channels from around the world. Basically, our TV player was created for Russian-speaking users, but recently, channels from different countries have been added to our player.
Our TV player provides the ability to watch commercial TV using IPTV technology from around the world on your computer for free! In our TV player, 1532 TV channels from USA, Great Britain, Germany, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic States, Belarus, Poland, Israel, and many other countries are presented. What others sell in our player is completely free and there is no advertising that interferes with watching television.
You can see the current list of foreign channels on this page: click here
View the current list of channels in Russia and Ukraine, here: click here
To start watching TV you must download the archive with the player’s files, where you will find the necessary software and detailed instructions in English and Russian. You can also read our official website — woodrex.top, but unfortunately it is only in Russian, but to watch TV you don’t have to visit it, just download the archive, install the necessary software, read the detailed instructions, and start watching TV which is like we wrote above completely free, in the TV player there is not even advertising.
If you have any questions, or difficulties with installing the software, you can ask a question on our official website in the comments after registration, or you will contact Telegram for help: click here
The only request is to write in simple English, without complicated phrases, since our knowledge of English is limited, but we will help you as much as we can.
Thank you for visiting our page in English and enjoy watching TV!